Join us on the Hero's Path!
The Hero's Path trip planned for May 1-12, 2021 has been tentatively re-scheduled for April 30-May 10, 2022. To add yourself to the contact list or the waiting list for 2022, please send your name, phone number, and e-mail address to Ted McMahon at the address below.
Cost of the trip includes 10 days in the Canyon, lodging and dinners in Flagstaff and in Marble Canyon prior to the trip, and shuttle to the river and back. It does not include your airfare to and from Flagstaff, or the cost of trip cancellation insurance, which is STRONGLY recommended.
A deposit of $500 per person will be due at the time of reservation.
For further information about the 2022 trip, contact Ted McMahon by e-mail at hero@innerjourney.info or by phone at 206-679-0068.
Suggested readings: Joseph Campbell, The Hero With 1000 Faces; Carol Pearson, The Hero Within.
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Photographs Copyright © 2003 by Rosanne Olson Web site design by Robin Stewart If you have any trouble viewing this site, download the newest version of your Web browser. Last updated: February, 2020